5 Factors to Consider for a Longer Battery Life

5 Factors to Consider for a Longer Battery Life

And here you are, without a battery, waiting for one of the hundred drivers passing by to pity you and offer to help! The life cycle of your car battery is the same as that of other types of batteries that you may find in your cell phone, computer, or anything else. So always expect that over time it will lose its ability to charge and store little by little until it loses its ability to run the car engine entirely.

On average, the battery is expected to last around 42 months. Still, this time frame will vary depending on several variables, such as climates, ride lengths, and your car's charging circuit maintenance.

However, regardless of what conditions your car is subjected to, here are five factors to consider to help get the first-rate of your vehicle's battery.

1. Keep away from driving short trips often

Your battery is given a workout every time you start your car engine but is recharged by the engine during the journey. Therefore, quick car rides prevent your battery from charging 100% and regaining its full potential of power – and repeating the process on a daily matter, the voltage will take the edge off steadily until it can no longer start the car.

Driving your car from time to time and for longer distances will preserve and extend the life of your battery for sure – If you do not use your vehicle much or cannot bear to drive it for long distances, and you want to avoid falling into this problem in the middle of the unknown. For example, having an extra battery in the trunk of your car or an extra charger helps to jump-start your battery without another car in case you're ever stranded without asking anyone for help.

2. Keep your battery tightly fastened

The first rule in the world of car batteries states: "Tighten the clamps attached to your battery." In other words, failing to do so will cause some vibrations at the end of your battery, leading to reducing the life of your vehicle's battery through shortening the circuits and reducing the battery's life, especially if you frequently drive on bumpy roads.

Still, you must keep in mind that over-tightening the battery clamp might harm the battery as well! In lieu, tighten the nuts until you feel it is getting tight, and then continue for only an additional half turn.

3. Turn Off All the Lights while the engine is off

Nothing makes your car battery happier than keeping it 100% charged. Therefore, you should pay attention to any reason that would reduce the percentage of your battery charge; keeping the inner lights on while the engine is off can put a heavy toll on your vehicle's battery.

Therefore, always ensure all accessories are turned off before getting out of the car and double-check that the lights are turned off while walking away.

4. Keep your battery clean

The battery terminals should stay spotless and arid or expect to notice it rusting over time. Therefore, if you're aiming to extend the life of your car battery, make sure to keep it clean as possible.

Swabbing the endings every once and then, keeping it dry and squeaky-clean, helps extend the battery's life for longer.

5. Test Your Battery Often

"Keep testing the condition of your battery if you want to maximize its life" — checking the voltage once a month is a great way to be on the lookout for your battery's health. Noting that the voltage should be between 12.4 and 12.7 volts is a sign that your battery is in good condition.

When your battery finally gives in, don’t hesitate to bring yourself down to Lebanese Europe Auto Parts Center for a high-quality replacement. We promise to always provide you with the best materials at competitive prices.

Anyone who owns a car of any kind assures that there is nothing more bitter than an empty battery in the middle of a crowded or broken road.

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