7 Car Noises That Shouldn’t Be Ignored

7 Car Noises That Shouldn’t Be Ignored

As your car cruises, some noise is to be expected. In some cases, certain engine noises may be caused by a simple problem that can be easily fixed or signs that something expensive is about to break down.

Because cars are expensive assets, you may incur costly repair and replacement costs in the future if you ignore these sounds. Whether it's squealing or grinding, you need to know how to identify your engine's sounds. Below are the sounds to look for and what they indicate.

Observe these car engine noises at all times!

Loud squealing

When you step on the accelerator, you should hear a squealing or chirping sound that could indicate a loose or slipping engine belt. It is possible to be stranded without a belt in most cars. Therefore, you should seek assistance as soon as possible.


If there is a hissing sound, it indicates a leak somewhere. Hence, a mechanic can determine whether your vehicle is leaking coolant or vacuum by examining its cooling system or vacuum system. However, leaks can negatively impact the performance of your engine, so avoid ignoring them.

An audible knocking

Your car may make a strange knocking or banging noise if there is insufficient fluid in it or a deeper, more severe problem with your rod bearings. Depending on the situation, you may even need to buy a new one. Therefore, you should contact professionals immediately.

Grinding noise

Worn-out parts may be making grinding or humming noises. For example, a clutch, synchronizer, or transmission problem could be causing these noises. Please visit your local shop as soon as possible. This could mean that you need new brake pads if you hear grinding when you step on the brakes.


While making a sharp turn, do you hear a rattling noise? A corroded exhaust pipe, for example, may indicate that there is something wrong with the exhaust system. For example, there could be a water pump failure if the engine makes a rattling noise.

Honking noise

The hunkering sound may be due to an engine component that is worn out. However, ignoring this could result in the parts breaking down completely, leading to extensive damage. Thus, you should see an auto repair shop as soon as you hear this noise.

Loud Banging

Each of us has experienced it at least once - the distinctive sound of an explosion that reminds us of fireworks. The fuel escaped the combustion chamber because it wasn't burned.

It combusts in the exhaust instead of the combustion chamber after it leaves the combustion chamber. An engine backfire can occur whenever the fuel/air ratio becomes too rich or lean. The risk of further damage from a backfire is only increased if the car is allowed to backfire.

Service Repairs

Often, we can't hear any unusual sounds because we are so used to sitting in our cars. Having someone else sit in your car can help you listen to unique sounds. They might be able to point them out.

Keeping up with car maintenance and repairs can be extremely expensive and putting off any car issues will only lead to further damage. A reliable auto parts shop should be contacted immediately if you hear any of the above car sounds.

When in doubt about your car part knowledge, Lebanese Europe Auto Parts Center’s website is your university. Check our blog for tips and tricks, or our products page for an idea of what you may need to replace. If you are looking to make an order, you can drop us an inquiry and we can make you a quote right away!

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