Repair, Rebuild, or Replace Car’s Transmission?

Repair, Rebuild, or Replace Car’s Transmission?

Should You Repair, Rebuild, or Replace Your Car’s Transmission?

One of your car's most important systems is Transmission. It keeps everything in gear so that you can drive. If it's just a little thing going wrong in your Transmission, it could cause safety issues or other significant damage in your car that would be expensive to fix. So, when you see any signs of transmission trouble, take it to Lebanese Europe's Transmission right away.

Once the Transmission gets damaged, there are lots of questions. Does it need to be fixed? Does it need to be rebuilt? Or should it be replaced with a new one? This decision is ultimately up to you as the vehicle owner, but we've created this guide to help you sort through your options.

Damages: How Bad are they?

The extent of damage is the first factor to consider. Detection of the problem early allows simple repairs, especially if parts can be easily replaced. The problem with numerous repairs, especially if there is significant damage, is that they may not fully resolve all transmission issues. If you can fix the problem, it is better to have simple repairs performed. For example, you may think about rebuilding or replacing the damaged component if the damage is severe. For example, you might find that it's cheaper than making lots of repairs over time or dealing with more repairs later.

What's Better: Rebuilding or Replacing?

It's time to consider replacing or rebuilding your Transmission when its damage is beyond repairs.

Rebuilding a transmission to factory specs is the best option in most situations. This process entails completely disassembling the Transmission and thoroughly inspecting every component. All components are inspected and cleaned again during the cleaning process, and any damaged parts are replaced with either new or refurbished ones. The technicians completely rebuild the Transmission and test it thoroughly to ensure it works properly again. Rebuilt transmissions are equivalent to having a new transmission, because they are the same Transmission that was already in your vehicle instead of having to install a different one.

Why Do Transmissions Need to be Replaced?

Sometimes not even a rebuild is possible because of the extent of the damage. Newer and more complex CVT transmissions are likely to experience this problem, but any transmission can also experience it. This type of damage will require a transmission replacement. For example, a used fitting transmission, or a reconditioned one that an expert has already rebuilt, is usually the first option. The manufacturer of your vehicle can sell you a new transmission if you can't find a used transmission or if you are willing to spend more for complete peace of mind.

You can count on Lebanese Europe’s Transmissions!

With tens of brands to choose from, Lebanese Europe is your go-to spot for a wide variety of transmission replacements. Visit our designated page and get a quote today.

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