Winter is upon us, which means that drivers are likely to notice deterioration in their vehicle's braking system and seek the assistance of a mechanic to replace worn or damaged brake pads. Because of the wet, rainy weather and cold temperatures, rust is one of the most common causes of brake pad wear during autumn and winter. Since rain is unable to evaporate quickly, rust can form as quickly as overnight when it is unable to evaporate quickly.
To ensure that your suppliers within your network are capable of producing high-quality brake pads that are suitable for wintery driving conditions as well as be available to answer any questions, it is imperative to understand how brake pad performance can vary in cold weather.
Our experience as brake pad suppliers and manufacturers has led us to receive the following top questions regarding rusty brake pads during autumn and winter:
The rusting of brake pads is a very common side effect of being exposed to water. It is also possible for salt to accelerate the rusting process during the winter and create more visible (and audible) damage. A small amount of surface-layer rust is not an immediate problem because normal driving can remove it; however, if the rust is not addressed, it can affect the surface texture of the brake pads and may make it difficult to brake smoothly or quickly.
As surface-level rust can appear as quickly as overnight on brake pads, many people are unaware of it. However, it is not necessary to worry since the rust will remove itself under normal driving conditions when the brakes are applied.
As soon as the brakes are applied, a squeaking or high-pitched squealing noise can be heard. The grinding may also be more noticeable than usual but should not prevent you from braking normally and should dissipate after a few uses. (It is advisable to seek assistance from a mechanic if you notice a drastic change in the braking pressure.)
To avoid being splashed, park your vehicle in an area that is sheltered and away from passing vehicles. As a result, excess moisture will be removed from the braking system. To avoid salty water getting in the braking system and on the brake pads, we recommend limiting trips in snow and after the roads are salted (and also for the entire underside of the vehicle). If you have an automatic car wash that offers drying as part of the service, then getting your car cleaned more often during the winter will help remove salty water and other gritty elements that can cause rust and corrosion.
We are one of the leading wholesale suppliers on Google and have a 100% on-time delivery rate. Send us a message via our website or our contact form at any time, and a member of our team will be happy to help.
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