An ignition coil is referred to as a compact electrical transformer. Car batteries normally have a low current of around 12 volts, which has to be converted into a much higher voltage in order to ignite the fuel and start the engine.
Cars have individual ignition coils for each spark plug. In either case, the coil sits on top of the spark plug without being physically connected to it.
To ignite the fuel, an electric spark must be generated at 15,000 volts to 20,000 volts by the spark plug. You will have weak fuel consumption or engine misfires if you don't have strong ignition coils.
A low-voltage or abnormally high-voltage battery can also lead to a troublesome ignition coil. Besides causing other problems with the car, this can also cause a variety of other issues. The problem can be resolved by installing a new battery.
It's not uncommon for old batteries to fail with age. One of the first signs of a dead battery is if it's not reading at least 12.65 Volts when fully charged.
A malfunctioning ignition coil can cause a vehicle to behave intermittently and give its driver difficulty during smooth driving.
Depending on the severity of the failure, ignition coil symptoms can differ. The following are some of the most common signs of a faulty ignition coil.
A vehicle's backfire may be an early indication that the ignition coil is failing. The exhaust pipe of the engine can backfire when unused fuel leaves the combustion cylinders.
If left untreated, this can result in expensive repairs. When a vehicle is backfiring, black smoke is usually emitted from the exhaust pipe. It may also be possible to detect the failure of the ignition coil by the smell of gasoline in that smoke.
The fuel economy of a vehicle can also be affected by a faulty ignition coil. A malfunctioning ignition coil could cause your vehicle to get noticeably less mileage than it did before.
When the ignition coils of a vehicle fail, it will misfire. It will sound like coughing, sputtering noise when trying to start the engine of such a vehicle.
The vehicle will behave jerkily and spit when driving at high speeds. Vibrations can also occur when the vehicle is idling at a stop sign or light with a failed ignition coil.
Vehicles may also stall when the ignition coil fails. Spark plugs may not fire properly if the coil is faulty, causing irregular sparks. If you bring your car to a complete stop, it may shut off completely, leaving you with the hassle of trying to restart it.
Hesitation while accelerating is another symptom, as well as rough idle and jerking. When you drive, you'll feel like there is a lack of power in your vehicle.
It is common for the check engine light to illuminate your dashboard. When scanned using a car diagnostic tool, code P0351 (Ignition Coil - Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction) usually appears.
A scan tool or a repair shop can help you troubleshoot coil issues if you see that check engine light.
Especially if you have a single-coil car, you may have difficulty starting it. A malfunctioning coil will result in the engine cranking without sparks inside the cylinders. It may occasionally start, but then immediately shut down.
Depending on the car's make and model, a newly installed ignition coil will cost more or less. In some cases, coils can cost as low as $75, while in others they can reach as high as $300. Labor costs will range from $50 to $100 per hour if you have the replacement done professionally.
The cost of replacing your ignition coil at an automotive repair shop ranges from $150 to $200. The price will be even higher if you go to a dealership.
It means the number 1 ignition coil is functioning properly if the engine's condition changes to rough idling. After that, you can proceed to examine the rest of the coils one by one until you find the culprit. It is imperative that the engine condition/idle does not change when you remove a faulty ignition coil.
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